We can help you improve your manufacturing processes and lower your production and quality costs by providing you pragmatic, cost-effective and forward-thinking advice. In addition, for all your staffing needs, we have over 150 in-house professionals and technicians with decades of experience in many manufacturing fields. We can quickly mobilize the staff you need to work directly in your plant, assembly or production line.
Request infomationWe provide a variety of design services for the manufacturing sector, including:
Ergonomic studies for work stations
3D or 2D drawings of plants for preliminary design
3D scanning for plant layouts
Adpros engineering services can give you the edge you need for all your manufacturing projects:
Automation, reconstruction and modernization of equipment
Methods and complex part nomenclature
Safety and security; maximum loading certification
Design work coordination and preparation of drafts, plans and specifications
Quality control methods
Securing and improving work operations
Instrumentation schematics
Assembly line productivity improvement
Auditing for Occupational Health and Safety standards
Entrust your manufacturing projects with our simulation team for:
Below-the-hook lifting device calculations following ASME B30.20-2010
Various stress analysis for lifting devices, tooling or structures
CFD analyses for heat exchange, mixing optimization, HVAC and process efficiency